Sunday, February 18, 2007

I Give It a Solid B+

Tera-dittos, Jer.

Wow, that show was the Harriet Miers of comedy. Think about it--nobody asked our opinion and it wasn't even close to what we would have asked for if they had.

But, as I'm sure we'll soon hear from REAL conservatives everywhere, it passed the real test: It wasn't the worst stink-bomb in the history of televised "comedy."

And most importantly, it pissed off the libtards (LOL), and that's what comedy's all about. Well, that's what conservative comedy's all about, anyway. If you should pick up a chuckle or two along the way, so much the better. Maybe that will happen on the next show.

1 comment:

Lenny said...

Hey, that's good! Mind if I use it?